51: Natural approaches to Cold and Flu Season

51 A natural Approach to the Cold and Flu Season.png

Being healthy and living a long healthy and happy life is first and foremost a lifestyle.   

Maintaining a healthy immune system is the primary way of protecting against an excessive number of colds. If you catch more than one or two colds a year, you may have a weak immune system. To strengthen the immune system, I will be sharing some of the foundational recommendations here today.

A Naturopathic cure has three main components:

1. The elimination of evil habits such as overeating, consuming alcoholic drinks, drugs, coffee, or meat, excessive worry, etc.

2. Corrective habits to regain health including proper breathing, exercise, relaxation, positive mental attitude, in the pursuit of health and wellness.

3. New principles of living which includes the proper selection of food and natural therapies.

The Freedom to Live 5 things Friday 

Every Friday, 5 things of value from the integrative health sciences.
The best of the best functional medicine, educational resources, research, quotes, books, tips, advice etc. all from the key pillars of the integrative health system.

1. HOW and WHY alcohol impacts our immune system?

Alcohol dependence (in moderation or over consumption) is probably one of the most serious health problems facing society today. Alcohol:

  • Overloads the detoxification processes, contributes to liver damage, and immune suppression

  • Produces chemical stress on the body

  • Increases oxidative stress because it contributes to the depletion of critical antioxidant glutathione. 

  • Increases adrenal hormone output

  • Interferes with normal brain chemistry and normal sleep cycles. 

  • Contributes to nutritional deficiencies: B6, B vitamins, Selenium, glutathione, Zinc, Vitamin A, Antioxidants, imbalanced Amino Acids, Vitamin C, Magnesium

  • Impacts Gut health: the intestinal microflora is severely deranged in moderate to heavy alcohol consumption.

  • Contributes to Hypoglycaemia (disregulated blood sugar) 

Alcohol is often used as an unhealthy calming effect (a Maladaptive coping mechanism) to deal with stress.   

If you want to have a healthy liver, there are three things you definitely want to stay away from: 

Saturated fats, refined sugar, and alcohol. 

Consider following the 3-day Reset as a template which is  designed to stabilize blood sugar, provide a lot of whole food nutrient dense foods that help support your liver, digestion, and ultimately support a healthy functioning immune system. 

2. Love your Lymph: Hydration and Dry Brushing

The lymphatic system, critical to immunity, is a network of tissues and organs that rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials; Lymph fluid contains white blood cells that are instrumental in fighting infection all throughout the body.

A healthy lymphatic system is key to a healthy body.

  1. Hydrate: Lymph is about 95% water, making water essential for its health.

Drinking plenty of liquids and using a vaporizer help maintain hydration within the respiratory tract which helps repel viral infection while also improving white blood cells function.

The type of liquids you drink is very important. Studies have shown that consuming concentrated sources of sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, honey, or orange juice greatly reduces the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria. 

Avoid Caffeine and alcohol, both of which have a diuretic effect. 


First morning exercise such as jump rope or jumping on a small trampoline/rebounder can help get the lymph moving.  There is no pump within the lymphatic system like in the cardio vascular system, so exercise and moving the body is the only way to get it flowing.

3. Dry brushing

Dry brushing helps move the lymph to naturally detox through lymphatic drainage, exfoliate the skin, and clean pores.  In dry brushing, the skin is typically brushed toward the heart, starting at the feet and hands and brushing toward the chest.

3. Sugar

As mentioned above, sugar, even if derived from natural sources such as fruit juices and honey, can impair immune function. 

This impairment appears to be due to the fact that glucose (blood sugar) and vitamin C compete for transport sites into the white blood cells. 

Excessive sugar consumption may decrease vitamin C levels and result in a significant reduction in white blood cell function. 

4.  Antibiotics

More than 90% of all sore throats are caused by viruses. 

• If you have a sore throat, see a physician to rule out strep throat as the cause. 

• Before antibiotics are used, an in-office rapid strep screening test should be performed. 

• If antibiotics are used or have been used, it is important to use a probiotic supplement containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus. 

  • 70% of doctors regularly prescribe an antibiotic for acute bronchitis even though it provides no benefit and significant risk. 

The main risks with overusing Antibiotics include:

  • The overgrowth of Candida albicans 

  • The disruption of normal gut microflora

  • The possibility of developing antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. 

5. Key Natural Cold and Flu Supplements + Folk recipes and remedies

Herbal Cold & Flu Protocols to have on hand for acute infections:

At the 1st Sign of a Cold:

  • Rest

  • Stay Warm

  • Drink fluids

  • Eat Well (NO SUGAR)

  • Elderberry Syrup 1 Tsp every 2hrs.

  • Echinacea Tincture 1 tsp every 2hrs. (Discontinue after 2 days)

  • 5 drops of Oregano oil under the tongue

Everyday Foundational General Supplements

  1. Vitamin C (Ascorbates) Buffered Vitamin C

  2. Magnesium Glycinate

  3. B-Complex

  4. Electrolytes: Sodium; Magnesium; Potassium & Trace Mineral Drops

Accute Cold, Flu, and Respiratory Symptom Supplements

**Note these are not to be taken as everyday supplements (only taken to support the onset or beginning stages of symptoms)

  1. Olive Leaf Extract

  2. Goldenseal

  3. Oregano

One of the main treatment goals in bronchitis, sinusitis, and pneumonia is to help the lungs and air passages get rid of the excessive mucus. 

  • Neti Pot

  • Nebulizer

  • Castor oil Pack

  • RLT

  • InfraRed Sauna

  • Magnesium Epsom Salt Warm Bath

  • Mustard Poultice

  1. Apply a heating pad, hot water bottle, or mustard poultice to the chest for up to 20 minutes twice per day. 

  2. A mustard poultice is made by mixing 1 part dry mustard with three parts flour and adding enough water to make a paste (the strength of mustard powder varies greatly, so test a small amount on the skin first to be sure it is not too strong, as indicated by excessive redness). The paste is spread on thin cotton (an old pillowcase works very well) or cheesecloth, and the folded cloth is placed on the chest. Check often, as mustard can cause blisters if left on too long. 

  3. After the hot pack or mustard poultice, perform postural drainage by lying with the top half of the body off the bed, using the forearms as support, for a 5-to 15-minute period while trying to cough and expectorate into a basin or newspaper on the floor.

    Electrolyte Water:

The balance of potassium, magnesium and sodium helps to rehydrate your body on the cellular level keeping you hydrated and best able to battle a virus.

  • 4 c. water

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • 1 juice of lemon lime

  • 10-15 trace mineral drops

  • 1 tbs elderberry syrup

Mix all ingredients together and drink throughout the day.

To Avoid Secondary Infections:

All of the above plus:

Fire Water—1 Tbs (recipe below) every 2 hrs. or as often as needed

Buy or Make Elderberry Syrup Recipe:

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen elderberries de-stemmed (or 1/3 cup dried)

  • 1-2 cinnamon sticks (optional)

  • 5 whole cloves (optional)

  • 2 Tbs. fresh, grated ginger (optional)

  • 2 cups water

  • 1 cup honey

  • 2 Tbs. lemon juice (optional) (necessary if canning)

  • Simmer elderberries and spices (if using) in water for about 20 minutes, mashing slightly.

  • Stir in honey until completely dissolved.

  • Store in the refrigerator until it molds or process in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes (adjust for altitude) to store on shelf.

Each pint contains about 92 1 tsp. servings.


Take 1 tsp every day to strengthen your immune system.

Take 1 tsp every 30 minutes to 2 hours at first sign of a virus.

*Note* To make a honey-free version that is safe for babies you can replace the honey with rice syrup.

Fire Water:

  • 1/2 cup garlic cloves, whole and unpeeled

  • 1/2 cup whole dried or fresh cayenne or 1/8 cup red pepper flakes

  • 1 qt raw apple cider vinegar

  • Put herbs in jar

  • Pour ACV over herbs, stir in until all herbs are wet

  • Cover with plastic lid

  • Steep for 4-6 weeks, shaking daily for the 1st week

  • Strain off herbs

  • Store in cool, dark place

Vinegar tinctures will last for at least 1 year when stored in a cool, dark location.


Take 1/2 oz (1 Tb.) every 30 minutes - 2 hr. to avoid any secondary infections or anytime you would use an antibiotic

Fire Water Oxymel:

  • 1/2 cup Fire Water (see previous recipe)

  • 1/2 cup honey

  • Heat slightly and stir until thoroughly mixed.

  • Cap and store in a cool, dark location. Will store well at least a year.


Take by the tsp as needed to soothe a scratchy throat or a dry tickly cough.

Sage and Salt Gargle:

  • 2 Tb. Sage

  • 1/2 cup of boiling water

  • 2 Tb. salt

  • 1/2 cup of raw Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Put sage in a jar. Pour boiling water over sage. Cover and let steep about 15 minutes.

  • Strain into a fresh jar.

  • Mix in salt and vinegar.

  • Keep in refrigerator for up to 4 days.


Gargle 1 or 2 mouthfuls as needed for a hot, raw sore throat.

Please consult your medical provider for any other symptom that is severe or concerning. 

For a specific consultation on how to proceed this Cold and Flu season with a customized plan, book a free consultation today.

Book your consultation today!